Prosthetics with Stafford Labs

At Stafford Labs, we recognize the profound challenges posed by limb loss and are committed to enhancing lives through innovative prosthetic solutions. Our mission revolves around empowering individuals to regain independence, confidence, and overall quality of life. Whether you are in need of upper or lower extremity prosthetics, our team of dedicated prosthetists is here to provide comprehensive guidance. For those facing limb loss due to trauma, surgery, or congenital conditions, our expertly crafted prosthetics are designed not only to restore functionality but also to instill confidence. Our aim is to assist you in performing daily tasks effortlessly and participating in activities that bring joy. Our prosthetics are meticulously designed to offer stability, comfort, and natural movement. Whether you’re looking for more function or a cosmetic solution, our personalized solutions support your active lifestyle. Working closely with our experienced prosthetists, we ensure that your prosthetic limb not only fits perfectly but also enables you to move with confidence and freedom, enhancing your overall mobility and well-being.

Upper Extremity Orthotics

Upper extremity prosthetics play a pivotal role in restoring independence and enhancing the quality of life for individuals who have experienced upper limb amputations. These advanced prosthetic devices are designed to mimic the functions of the natural hand, arm, or shoulder, providing users with the ability to perform everyday tasks and regain a sense of normalcy. With advancements in technology and a deep understanding of the unique needs of upper extremity amputees, prosthetists now offer a wide range of solutions tailored to different amputation levels. From partial hand amputations to shoulder disarticulations, each level of amputation presents specific challenges, met with innovative prosthetic designs to enable users to regain both mobility and confidence.

Types of Upper Extremity Prosthetics:

Partial Finger/Thumb Prosthetics

These prosthetics cater to individuals with partial finger or thumb amputations, offering precise control and dexterity for tasks requiring fine motor skills. Prosthetic devices can include attachments for DIP, PIP, and MCP joint levels, ensuring functional and natural movements.

Metacarpal Amputation Prosthetics (Partial Hand)

Designed for patients with metacarpal amputations, these prosthetics focus on maintaining grip strength and hand functionality. Customized sockets and terminal devices allow users to perform various activities with ease.

Wrist Disarticulation Prosthetics

Wrist disarticulation prosthetics provide comprehensive hand and wrist replacements, featuring sockets that connect to versatile terminal devices such as hands or hooks. High-definition silicone gloves coverings offer a lifelike appearance, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics.

Transradial Prosthetics

Specifically crafted for amputations between the elbow and wrist joint, transradial prosthetics come in diverse configurations, including passive, body-powered, myoelectric, and hybrid systems. These prosthetics focus on providing users with precise control and adaptability for daily tasks.

Elbow Disarticulation Prosthetics

Tailored for amputations at the elbow joint, these prosthetics feature a prosthetic elbow joint and socket, complemented by terminal devices. Users benefit from improved mobility and functionality, making it easier to perform tasks requiring bending and reaching.

Trashumeral Prosthetics

Designed for amputations above the elbow through the humerus, transhumeral prosthetics offer a wide array of options, including prosthetic elbow joints and sockets. Users can choose from passive, body-powered, myoelectric, or hybrid systems, providing them with versatile solutions for daily activities.

Shoulder Disarticulation and Forequarter Amputation Prosthetics

For individuals facing extensive upper limb amputations, prosthetic solutions for shoulder disarticulation and forequarter amputations include sockets, shoulder joints, elbow joints, and terminal devices. These prosthetics aim to restore a significant range of motion, enabling users to engage in various tasks effectively.

Lower Extremity Prosthetics

Lower extremity prosthetics play a pivotal role in enhancing the lives of individuals who have experienced limb loss due to various reasons such as accidents, congenital conditions, or diseases. These advanced artificial limbs are meticulously designed to restore not just mobility, but also confidence and independence. Tailored to fit the unique needs of each patient, lower extremity prosthetics come in a variety of types, each serving specific functions and offering different levels of support. From ankle and foot systems incorporating cutting-edge hydraulics to prosthetic knee systems equipped with electronic controls, these devices are engineered to replicate the natural movements of the human body. Below, explore the diverse range of lower extremity prosthetics, each designed to address specific levels of amputation and enable individuals to regain a sense of normalcy and freedom in their daily lives.

Types of Lower Extremity Prosthetics:

Transfemoral Prosthetics (Above Knee)

Transfemoral prosthetics are designed for individuals who have undergone amputation above the knee. These prosthetics include a socket, knee joint, and foot/ankle complex, providing stability and support for various activities.

Transtibial Prosthetics (Below Knee)

Transtibial prosthetics are tailored for amputations below the knee joint. They consist of a socket, knee/ankle joint, and foot/ankle complex, offering improved balance, stability, and mobility for daily tasks.

Partial-Foot Prosthetics

Partial-foot prosthetics enable ankle motion and support slow to medium walking speeds. These specialized devices enhance mobility and are particularly useful for patients with partial-foot amputations.

Syme Ankle Disarticulation Prosthetics

Syme ankle disarticulation prosthetics are modified for a better prosthetic fit and cosmetic improvement of the ankle. These devices are designed to enhance both functionality and aesthetics.

Hip Disarticulation Prosthetics

Hip disarticulation prosthetics support individuals who have undergone amputation at or around the hip joint. These prosthetics offer comprehensive support for walking and other physical activities.

Sport-Specific Foot and Knee Prosthetics

Sport-specific prosthetics are customized for recreational activities such as running, sprinting, skiing, or swimming. These prosthetics are designed to withstand higher impact and provide optimal performance during sports and fitness activities.

Unsure Where to Start?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you. Our professional staff is looking forward to helping you find the information you need to make the best decision for you.

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